tolu balsam (balsam)

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  10. tolu balsam
Scope note
A thick, brown oleoresin obtained from Myroxylon balsamum var. balsamum trees that are native to the high plains of Venezuela, Columbia and Peru. Tolu balsam is used for perfumes, chewing gums, as a dark brown transparent glaze for paintings. It is similar to Peru balsam and derived from a variety of the same species. A thick, brown oleoresin obtained from Myroxylon balsamum var. balsamum trees that are native to the high plains of Venezuela, Columbia and Peru. Tolu balsam is used for perfumes, chewing gums, as a dark brown transparent glaze for paintings. It is similar to Peru balsam and derived from a variety of the same species.
tolu balsam
Accepted term: 03-Jun-2024