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  6. religions (belief systems, cultures)
  7. Abrahamic religions
  8. Christianity
  9. Protestantism
  10. Anabaptism
  11. Mennonite
Scope note
Refers to a Protestant denomination that arose out of the 16th-century Anabaptists of Holland and Switzerland, particularly from the so-called Swiss Brethren. The name comes from one of their leaders, Menno Simons, a Dutch priest who consolidated and institutionalized the work begun by the moderate Anabaptists. Mennonite doctrine includes the practice of baptism upon confession of faith and adherence to the Confession of Dordrecht (1632) and the teachings of the New Testament. Mennonites, who are pacifists, have a policy against holding public office. Although Mennonites can be found in many parts of the world, most live in the United States and Canada.
Accepted term: 02-Sep-2024