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  6. Asian
  7. Central Asian
  8. Caucasian (culture or style)
  9. Caucasian textile styles
  10. East Caucasian textile styles
  11. Dagestan
Scope note
Style of textiles with geometric designs, particularly rugs, originating in the Dagestan region of the eastern Caucasus in present-day Russia. Dagestan rugs are usually small, finer than the Kazakh types, but less fine than rugs from the vicinity of Kuba to the south. While many of the rugs are called "Derbent," referring to a major collecting point, much of the weaving has occurred to the south in villages around Ortasal and Kasumkent. Dagestan rugs of the 19th and early 20th century tend to use blue over red and are more likely to be all wool than the Kuba rugs from neighbouring Azerbaijan. Edges are also more likely to be of blue wool, and the backs of many of these rugs appear ribbed. Rugs marketed under the name "Zeykhur" were woven in the Tabarasan district, and many show unusual qualities of color, such as the use of pink and deep red in juxtaposition, and floral designs based on European sources. During the mid-20th century a type of Shirvan prayer rug with an ivory field and lozenge-shaped compartments of stylized flowers was mistakenly called "Dagestan."
Accepted term: 27-May-2024