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  6. Oceanic
  7. Australian
  8. Australian regional styles
  9. Kimberleys
  10. Kimberleys rock art styles
  11. Bradshaw
Scope note
The Bradshaw style is considered one of the most ancient recorded rock art styles. This monochromatic rock art is found in the Kimberleys region of Australia in isolated locations. Bradshaw style paintings depict animated human figures in black, white, and red ochre; the figures are drawn as though frozen in movement. Two phases can be detected within Bradshaw art, characterized by different headdresses, artefacts, and poses. Later Bradshaw art of the Kimberleys is very similiar to the Lewis Stick period in the rock art of Western Arnhem Land. These artworks remain undated due to deterioration of pigment, although current research determines the paintings to be about 17,000 years old.
Accepted term: 03-Jun-2024