Lamiaceae (family)

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  9. Magnoliopsida (class)
  10. Lamiales (order)
  11. Lamiaceae
Scope note
Family of flowering plants, most of which are annual or perennial herbs. It was formerly considered closely related to Verbenaceae, but phylogenetic studies at the end of the 20th century indicated that some of the woody genera formerly placed in Verbenaceae should be placed in Lamiaceae. Delimited this way, there are 236 genera and more than 7,000 species in Lamiaceae. The primary center of distribution of the mint family is the Old World, from the Canary Islands to the Himalayas, with lesser centers in Ethiopia, Madagascar, southern areas of Africa and India, Sri Lanka, and oceanic regions eastward. Centers of distribution in the New World range from the mountains in central Mexico into Argentina and Chile, with secondary centers radiating northward and eastward.
Accepted term: 27-May-2024