
  1. Home
  2. top of the aat hierarchies
  3. Objects Facet
  4. Components (hierarchy name)
  5. components (objects parts)
  6. [components by specific context]
  7. architectural elements
  8. [openings and opening components]
  9. openings (architectural elements)
  10. [openings by form]
  11. [doorways and doorway components]
  12. doorway components
  13. [doors and door components]
  14. doors
Scope note
Barriers that swing, slide, tilt, or fold to close a doorway, usually of solid and finished construction and usually leading to or separating interior spaces. Use also for similar features that close a container or a piece of case furniture. For barriers of less solid or finished construction, and usually separating two exterior spaces, use "gates."
Accepted term: 27-May-2024