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  4. Furnishings and Equipment (hierarchy name)
  5. Weapons and Ammunition (hierarchy name)
  6. weapons
  7. projectile weapons
  8. [projectile weapons with explosive propellant]
  9. firearms
  10. small arms
  11. [small arms by form]
  12. long guns
  13. shotguns
  14. blunderbusses
Scope note
Short-barrelled shotguns with a wide bore expanding gradually throughout its length, typically terminating in a flared or thickened muzzle, and often carrying a spring-activated bayonet that folded back along the barrel when not in use. They were designed to fire a quantity of shot at once against a mass of opponents, and were popular weapons for defending stage coaches, ships, and prisons from the 17th to the 19th century.
Accepted term: 24-Jun-2024