artists' publications

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  10. artists' publications
Scope note
Publications in which one or more artists have a full or large share in the process of conceptualization, production, and often distribution. These can be of various types: books, magazines, catalogs, individual sheets or inserts, audiovisual media and ephemera such as invitations, posters, mailart, flyers, postcards, etc. These may be autonomous works of art, as well as publications in which the artist or an artists’ collective has made an intervention or made a contribution. Examples of the latter are contributions in the form of a lithograph, linocut, fold or a cut-out in a newspaper, magazine or catalog. Certain audiovisual media such as music, film and sound work may also be considered artists’ publications, and are often accompanied by a cover, box or book designed by the artist.
artists' publications
Accepted term: 09-Sep-2024