Color (hierarchy name)

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Scope note
The Color hierarchy contains terms for the names of colors, and for color in the sense of qualities perceived through vision responding to different wavelengths of light. Also included are terms for types of color (e.g., "cool colors") and color-related phenomena (e.g., "color mixture"). Descriptors for color names are drawn from the Universal Color Language (UCL), U.S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards. Centroid color numbers, which refer the user to the appropriate color-blocks on the Inter-Society Color Council and National Bureau of Standards color name charts, are also provided. Color designations that are near-synonyms, but not true synonyms, are placed in a separate concept record and linked as Associative Relationships. Relation to other hierarchies: Terms for inherent physical characteristics other than color but which may relate to color (e.g., permanence) are in the Attributes and Properties hierarchy. Terms for physical phenomena perceptible in color (e.g., "abrash," "color shift") are in the Conditions and Effects hierarchy. Terms for individual and repeating design elements such as signs and symbols, motifs, patterns, and areas of decoration are in the Design Elements hierarchy (e.g., "crosses," "Tudor roses," "frets"). Terms for materials used to impart color to physical things (e.g., "dye," "pigment") are found in the Materials hierarchy.
Accepted term: 22-Jul-2024