Sabattier effect

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  7. Sabattier effect
Scope note
The partial change from negative to positive of black-and-white or color images on a plate or film caused by exposure to strong light during the development process. Examples of such positives were exhibited in France by Armand Sabattier (1834-1910) as early as 1860, but most such images produced during the 19th century were simply the results of faulty processing. From the 20th century, artists used a range of techniques for producing such reversed images by exposing negatives or prints to calculated amounts of light during developing and printing. Man Ray and Lee Miller were the first photographers to employ these techniques for artistic effect. For the similar effect caused by overexposure at the time of camera exposure rather than during development, use "solarization (photography)."
Sabattier effect
Accepted term: 21-Oct-2024