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  9. electronic documents
  10. folksonomies
Scope note
A neologism, the meaning of which is changing over time. Currently, it typically refers to assemblages of concepts represented by terms and names (called tags) that are compiled through social tagging. They are not necessarily the result of a collaborative effort, but are usually the compilation of personal tagging of content by individuals. Folksonomies are typically without hierarchical structure, generally have no preferred term for a concept, and may not even cluster synonyms. They are not considered authoritative because they are not compiled by experts. Furthermore, they are by definition not applied to documents by professional indexers. Given that it is impossible for the large and varied community of Internet creators and users to independently add metadata in a consistent manner, folksonomies are generally characterized by non-standard, idiosyncratic tagging. Although they do not support searching and other types of browsing as well as tags from controlled vocabularies applied by professionals, folksonomies are useful in certain situations, including where controlled tagging is not possible or where individuals prefer to tag content for their own use. The term formerly referred to the internet-based information retrieval methodologies involved rather than the resulting terminology or tagging.
Accepted term: 14-Oct-2024