boric acid

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  8. boric acid
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Generally, any of a number of acids containing boron and oxygen. Specifically, it refers to the compound H3BO3, a white or colorless solid that is soluble in water and ethanol. It occurs naturally in the condensate from volcanic steam vents; commercially, it is made by treating borate minerals with sulphuric acid followed by recrystalization. It is used in the manufacture of glass, glazes and enamels, leather, paper, adhesives, and explosives. It is widely used (particularly in the USA) in detergents, and because of the ability of fused boric acid to dissolve other metal oxides, it is used as a flux in brazing and welding. Because of its mild antiseptic properties, it is used in the pharmaceutical industry and as a food preservative.
boric acid
Accepted term: 14-Oct-2024