Peru balsam (balsam)
- Scope note
- A dark brown oleoresin obtained from Myroxylon balsamum var. pereirae trees that are native to the coastlines of Central America. Peru balsam contains high amounts of cinnamic acid, benzoic acid, and vanillin. It is used for perfumes and flavorings. Peru balsam has also been used as a dark brown glaze for paintings. Peru balsam is very similar to Tolu balsam, dervied from a variety of the same species. A dark brown oleoresin obtained from Myroxylon balsamum var. pereirae trees that are native to the coastlines of Central America. Peru balsam contains high amounts of cinnamic acid, benzoic acid, and vanillin. It is used for perfumes and flavorings. Peru balsam has also been used as a dark brown glaze for paintings. Peru balsam is very similar to Tolu balsam, dervied from a variety of the same species.
- Date of creation: 27-Jan-2025
Accepted term: 27-Jan-2025