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  5. Sound Devices (hierarchy name)
  6. sound devices (equipment)
  7. [sound devices by acoustical characteristics]
  8. idiophones
  9. struck idiophones
  10. directly struck idiophones
  11. percussion idiophones
  12. percussion idiophones: hollow-bodied
  13. [bells and sets of bells]
  14. bells (idiophones)
  15. suspended bells
  16. dotaku
Scope note
Ancient Japanese bronze bells of the Yayoi period, elliptical in cross-section with pointed ends, and in profile a tall trapezoid with a flat top, surmounted by a wide metal loop for suspension. They were cast in one piece, were highly decorated, and are believed to have served a ritual or symbolic rather than strictly musical function. A few surviving examples show signs of having held clappers.
Accepted term: 10-Feb-2025