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  6. religions (belief systems, cultures)
  7. Abrahamic religions
  8. Islam
  9. Ahmadiyya
  10. Lahori
Scope note
Refers to one of two branches of the modern Islamic movement of Ahmadiyya. This branch regards Ahmadiyya's founder, Ghulam Ahmad, as a reformer rather than as a prophet and thus stays closer to mainstream Islam. The Lahori, like the Qadianis, are known for their preaching although they are more concerned in gaining converts to Islam in general than to their particular sect. They are also active in liberalizing Islam and in English- and Urdu-language publishing. The Lahori were led by Mawlana Muhammad Ali from its inception in 1914 until his death in 1951. The sect, which has spread widely, established the Woking mosque as it center in the United Kingdom; its main center is in Lahore, Pakistan.
Accepted term: 29-Apr-2024