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  10. dìpán
Scope note
Dipan is an architectural term seen in Yingzao fashi (1103) and Luban yingzao zhengshi (1465-1505), but is also used in texts related to building activities such as Zhuzi yulei (1270), and Yangzhou huafang lu (18th cen.). Interpretations of the term and its relevant images in the Yingzao fashi are under debate. Some scholars suggest it concerns the plan of puzuo (corbelling) seen at a vertical position above the pillar top (Chen Mingda, 2010), either understood as reflected ceiling plan (Chen Mingda 1981), or the view looking downward from above (Zhu Yongchun 2016). Others interpret the term as a ground plan showing pillar positions and, in some cases, the layout of puzuo (Pan Guxi, He Jianzhong 2005). Recently Ren Sijie has shown how this term was likely directly related to the building foundation Ren Sijie 2016).
Accepted term: 23-Sep-2024