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  6. African (general, continental cultures)
  7. prehistoric African
  8. prehistoric North African periods
  9. African Epipaleolithic periods
  10. Oranian
Scope note
Refers to a tool-making culture generally located in coastal areas and some inland areas of North Africa, and dating from around 16,000 Before Present during the late Würm Glacial Period. It followed the Aterian culture and was probably partially contemporary with the slightly later Capsian culture, which was prominent in inland areas. Although it was formerly thought to have developed from the late Magdalenian culture in Spain, Oranian culture is now usually held to have been derived from the Nile River valley Halfan culture. It is characterized by small-backed blades and is distinguished from Capsian particularly by the absence of burins. It is possibly associated with a North African branch of Cro-Magnon people, the Mechta-el-Arbi.
Accepted term: 22-Apr-2024