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  8. Taiwanese
  9. [styles and periods of Taiwanese indigenous people]
  10. Bunun
Scope note
Mountain Range in Taiwan, including Nantou, Kaohsiung, Hualien and Taitung, typical of mountain aboriginals.The Bunun society is a patrilineal hierarchy composed of big clans on the top, followed by middle clans, small clans and families. The interrelations between clans are clearly defined and there are rigid regulations imposed on incest.Traditional Bunun farming has developed sophisticated skills in rearing millet in highlands corresponding to a calendar with set rituals. The Bunun material culture emphasize function and simplicity, while the Bunun people value dynamic harmony between hanitu (“soul; spirit”) and is-ang (“heart”) as the ideal for personal development. This not only sets up the undertone of the Bunun religious life, but also motivates individual to achieve what the individual’s talents and recognition point toward, forming an egalitarian sense in the Bunun society.
Accepted term: 14-Oct-2024