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  6. Asian
  7. East Asian
  8. Taiwanese
  9. [styles and periods of Taiwanese indigenous people]
  10. Rukai
Scope note
Cultures and styles of the Rukai people lived in Taiwan. The Rukai people primarily live in southern Taiwan, including mountainous regions in Pintung, Kaohsiung, and Taitung. They were regarded as identical to Paiwan under the Japanese rule, while the recognition of their ethnical uniqueness is conferred due to linguistic and cultural differences. The Rukai dialect clusters include: Wutai, Dawu, Taromak, Wanshan, Duona and Maolin. The Rukai society is ruled by aristocracy and the family is counted as the basic social unit. Each family entails a family house, a family name and its members.
Accepted term: 14-Oct-2024