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  8. Taiwanese
  9. [styles and periods of Taiwanese indigenous people]
  10. Hla’alua
Scope note
Cultures and styles of the Hla’alua people lived in Taiwan. The Hla’alua people was officially recognized as distinct from the Tsou people in 2014. As it consists of four tribes – Paiciana, Vilanganu, Hlihlala and Talicia – it used to be called by the Han Chinese as the “four-tribe huan.” Under the Japanese rule the Hla’alua people used to be perceived as a Tsou branch by the colonial official. They primarily live in Taoyuan District, Kaohsiung City. Patriarchic clans are core of the Hla’alua social organization, and their major festival is Miatungusu.
Accepted term: 10-Jun-2024