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  6. Asian
  7. Southeast Asian
  8. Thai (culture or style)
  9. Thai styles
  10. Peninsular
Scope note
Refers to the styles associated with the peninsular region of Thailand. The styles are driven by the region's geographical location characterized by maritime trade and transpeninsular river passages that encouraged cultural exchanges. In architecture, the style reached fruition during the 8th through the 13th century and is evidenced by the Wat Kaeo featuring a cruciform structure with central cella, shrines that housed five Jina Buddhas, large stone pillars, colonnettes, and miniature decorative arches reminiscent of Cham (ninth and tenth centuries) and Srivijayan architecture. In sculpture, the style features bronze Mahayana Buddhist figures and clay votive tablets depicting Buddha and bodhisattvas in post-Gupta Indian style.
Accepted term: 14-Oct-2024