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  6. Asian
  7. Southeast Asian
  8. Vietnamese (culture or style)
  9. Vietnamese periods
  10. Ly
Scope note
Primarily refers to the period of the prominent Later Ly dynasty (1010-1225 CE) established in the Red River Delta region, but may also refer to the style and period of the lesser-developed Earlier Ly dynasty (544-c. 603 CE). The style of Later Ly period is driven by dynastic stability and is generally thought to have helped influenced the style of the modern Vietnamese state. In architecture, the period features Buddhist temples with indigenous innovations such as the use of stone, superimposed trusses, beams and half-columns and the use of eaves decorated with terracotta symbols. A prime architectural example from this period is the Lotus Temple (1049 CE) in Hanoi, featuring decorative motifs in terracotta along the roof ridges, a distinct lotus-shaped construction, and a complex truss system consisting of intersecting beams and columns. In sculpture, the period features Buddha figures seated on platforms with dragon and flower decorations, relief panels reflecting Cham or Chinese art styles, stupas with sculpted motifs of oak and vine leaves, and statues of lions, elephants, buffaloes, and horses each on a lotus pedestal and carved from a single block of stone.
Accepted term: 29-Apr-2024