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  6. Asian
  7. Southeast Asian
  8. Vietnamese (culture or style)
  9. Vietnamese periods
  10. Nguyên
Scope note
Refers to the period marking the Nguyên dynasty (1802-1954 CE). The style of the earlier part of the period is patterned after the art of the Chinese Qing dynasty (1644-1911 CE) as evidenced by the manner in which the Nguyên city of Hue is constructed to duplicate the Forbidden City in Beijing. Temples and shrines in this period feature lacquered wood statues of Buddha and of monks in styles similar to those executed in the 18th century. In the early 20th century, the Chinese traditions and Buddhist themes were generally abandoned for a more European neo-classical approach as evidenced by the founding of the Ecole des Beaux Arts de l'Indochine de Hanoi in 1925, which taught Western techniques such as bronze-casting. The period also features traditional woodblock print production styles characterized by the use of rice paper colored with mineral or plant extracts. Print designs feature motifs from the lunar calendar, illustrations of popular myths, scenes from village festivals, and historic figures.
Accepted term: 02-Sep-2024