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  6. [materials by composition]
  7. organic material
  8. resin (organic material)
  9. [gum resin and gum resin by product]
  10. gum resin
  11. gutta-percha
Scope note
The inspissated, milky juice of various trees of the Sapodilla family native to the Malaysian peninsula. It is a tough, pliable, moldable rubber-like material, although it lacks the elasticity of rubber and becomes brittle on exposure to air and sunlight. Gutta-percha vulcanizes with sulfur into a hard, waterproof material. From the late 1840s, it was widely used for golf balls, imitation leather, joints in doll limbs, electrical insulation (especially underwater cables), and dental fillings. The name gutta-percha was sometimes used for any dark-colored molding material. It sets faster than "caoutchouc," which must be heated far longer.
Accepted term: 02-Sep-2024