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  10. mayasvi
Scope note
Mayasvi involves a number of rituals: welcoming the gods, homage to solidarity, bidding farewell to the gods, a procession in the streets to pray for safe travels and family worship. The date of Mayasvi is not set in stone; on the contrary, whether the Mayasvi is to be held is decided by the incumbent chief of hosa judging from the current circumstances. Occasions in favor of having a Mayasvi include: relief efforts after a major epidemic or battle involving injury and death in order to fend off misfortune, foreigners and noxious spirits; celebrations for warriors returning from headhunting or battles in honor of their valor; a renovation project for the kuba is proposed to ensure the good fortune of the tribe and the Tsou compatriots. Moreover, male babies are brought to Mayasvi to make their debut in the kuba; rites will be conducted for lads coming of age during Mayasvi as well. The most important message of Mayasvi is not only to inspire patriotism so that the Tsou people will protect the whole tribe on their lives and soul and pray for the favor of war god, but also to unify the social, ethical protocols and augment general morale.
Accepted term: 10-Jun-2024