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  8. games
  9. dice games
  10. craps
Scope note
Dice game, played on a special table and layout, where all bets are made against the house. A player signifies his bet by placing chips or cash on the appropriate part of the layout before all rolls, and it is required that the dice be thrown in such a way that they strike a wall of the table and bounce back. In a version known as bank craps, the player or shooter, throwing the dice, or anyone wishing to bet that the shooter will win, places his bet "on the line," in the areas marked "Pass," "Come," or "Win." Anyone betting against the shooter, places his bet in the areas marked "Don't Pass" or "Don't Come." The shooter is said to win if he throws seven or eleven on his first throw and lose if he instead throws two, three, or twelve (craps). Bets are then paid off. If the shooter's first throw is four, five, six, eight, nine, or ten, that number is his point, and he continues to throw until he rolls the same number again and wins or throws seven (misses out, or craps out.
Accepted term: 27-May-2024