
  1. Home
  2. top of the aat hierarchies
  3. Objects Facet
  4. Furnishings and Equipment (hierarchy name)
  5. Furnishings (hierarchy name)
  6. furnishings (works)
  7. [furnishings by form or function]
  8. furniture
  9. [furniture by form or function]
  10. support furniture
  11. stands (support objects)
  12. [stands by function]
  13. bookstands
  14. Koran stands
  15. kursis
Scope note
Refers to boxes or chests of pedestal form for the Koran; it can also refer to thrones or preachers' seats in a mosque as well as to large lecterns on which readers of the Koran sit.
Accepted term: 16-Sep-2024