crosiers (episcopal)

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  11. crosiers
Scope note
Staffs resembling shepherds' crooks borne by bishops, abbots, or abbesses, as symbols of the pastoral office. There were three early forms: The first was a rod of wood bent or crooked at the top and pointed at the lower end. This is the oldest form and was known as the pedum. The second had, instead of the crook, a knob which was often surmounted by a cross, and was called the ferula or cambuta. It was sometimes borne by popes. In the third form the top consisted of a crux decussata, or Greek T (tau), the arms of the cross being often so twisted as to represent two serpents opposed. The original material of the crosier was generally cypress-wood, often cased or inlaid with gold or silver. Later on the staffs were made of solid ivory, gold, silver, and enameled metal.
Accepted term: 10-Mar-2025