reredoses (screens)
- Scope note
- Refers to relatively large ornamented walls, screens, or other structures located above and behind the high altar of a Christian church, often holding the sacred tabernacle. A reredos may be placed against the apse wall, directly behind the altar, or may form part an altar screen. Its form evolved from the dossal, a tapestry or painting on the wall behind the altar. In church design, It may serve as a screen between celebrant and the congregation or between the choir and the retrochoir. In Spanish churches the reredos grew to be as wide as the nave and reaching to the vaulting of the roof. The reredos may be made of precious materials and heavily decorated, often with carvings, niches, sculptures, paintings and tapestries. It is distinct from a 'retable'; while the reredos typically rises from ground level behind the altar, the retable is smaller, standing either on the back of the altar itself or on a pedestal behind it. Many altars have both a reredos and a retable.
- Date of creation: 20-Jan-2025
Accepted term: 20-Jan-2025