Paleo-Indian (Mesoamerican culture or period)

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  9. Mesoamerican
  10. Mesoamerican periods
  11. Paleo-Indian
Scope note
Refers to a broad period and culture in Mesoamerica that existed approximately 40,000 BCE to 15,000 BCE. The period is usually subdivided into two chronological subperiods. The first period, from around 30,000 BCE to 15,000 BCE, involves archeological and paleontological sites in Nicaragua and in Mexico such as El Cedral and Valsequillo. The following period, from around 15,000 BCE to 9000 BCE, revolves around the emergence of hunter-gatherer cultures and is rich in rock paintings depicting negative or positive hands, geometric motifs, and man and animal silhouettes.
Accepted term: 03-Jun-2024