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  6. Asian
  7. Southeast Asian
  8. Cambodian (culture or style)
  9. Angkorean
  10. Angkorean styles
  11. Kulên
Scope note
Refers to the pre-Angkor style of the mid-ninth century generally evidenced by the temple complex of Sambor Prei Kuk. Temples in this style follow the Indian Gupta and post-Gupta plans and feature primarily brick construction, central sanctuaries, molded bases, walls divided into vertical panels by pilasters and ornamented with false doorways, niches, relief panels, and pyramidal towers that imitate in smaller scale the design of the main temple façade. The style is often distinguished by carved lintels that are supported by circular colonnettes and arched bands with floral patterns interspersed between circular medallions enclosing an image of a deity or sacred creature. The sculptural style also reveals strong early Hindu influences featuring multi-armed deities in the round, a strong sense of weight shift in large sculpture, scarcity of high relief sculpture, subtle stylized realism, austere garments and bodily adornments.
Accepted term: 22-Jul-2024