Venetian School

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  10. Italian Renaissance-Baroque styles
  11. Venetian School
Scope note
Describes to the style of Renaissance Venice beginning in the late 1400s, led by the brothers Giovanni and Gentile Bellini. The Venetian School painters employed the use of linear perspective and naturalistic figurative treatments of Renaissance art in Florence and Rome. Artists associated with the Venetian school are Giorgione (c. 1477–1510), Titian (c. 1489–1576), Tintoretto (1518–1594), Paolo Veronese (1528–1588) and Jacopo Bassano (1510–1592) and his sons. Venetian school painters contrasted with the Mannerism prevalent in the rest of Italy, and influenced the subsequent development of Western painting.
Venetian School
Accepted term: 02-Sep-2024