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  6. European
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  9. [modern Italian styles and movements]
  10. [modern Italian fine arts styles and movements]
  11. Scapigliatura
Scope note
Refers to the style and movement in Italian literature and art that flourished in Milan between 1860 and 1870. The style is based on a spirited rebellion against middle-class values and complacency. Painters working in this style, such as Filippo Carcano, Eugenio Gignous, and Luigi Conconi, emphasized softened contours, open brushwork, impasto, an evocative fusion of figure and background, and an interplay of colors that exemplified the movement's philosophy of fusion of the arts. Early works in this style favored portraiture of nobility or literary figures, while later works in this style served as a prelude to Symbolist works.
Accepted term: 27-Jan-2025