Burgundy turpentine

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  11. Burgundy turpentine
Scope note
A turpentine produced from the steam distillation of the balsam from the French Maritime pine tree, Pinus maritinus. It has a fine, light odor, long having had a reputation as the best material for paintings. The raw balsam, called Bordeaux turpentine, also produces the non-distilled residue called "Burgundy pitch," which is used as a cement. A turpentine produced from the steam distillation of the balsam from the French Maritime pine tree, Pinus maritinus. It has a fine, light odor, long having had a reputation as the best material for paintings. The raw balsam, called Bordeaux turpentine, also produces the non-distilled residue called "Burgundy pitch," which is used as a cement.
Burgundy turpentine
Accepted term: 27-Jan-2025