mitrae simplicēs

  1. Home
  2. top of the aat hierarchies
  3. Objects Facet
  4. Furnishings and Equipment (hierarchy name)
  5. Costume (hierarchy name)
  6. costume (mode of fashion)
  7. costume accessories
  8. worn costume accessories
  9. [accessories by location on the head]
  10. headgear
  11. miters (high headgear)
  12. mitrae simplicēs
Scope note
Tall headdresses worn by Christian clergy, including the pope, bishops, and senior abbots as a symbol of office. The miter tapers to a point at the vertical summit of two pieces, front and back, with a deep cleft between. It is distinguished by being made of relatively modest materials, such as silk or linen.
mitrae simplicēs
Accepted term: 10-Mar-2025