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  7. architectural elements
  8. [structural elements and components for structural elements]
  9. structural elements
  10. [spanning and projecting structural elements]
  11. cantilevers
Scope note
Beams or other lements that project horizontally or nearly horizontally into space, and are fixed at one end and carry a load distributed along the length or at the other, such as a diving board. The upper half of the thickness of such a beam is subjected to tensile stress, tending to elongate the fibres, the lower half to compressive stress, tending to crush them. Beams or other lements that project horizontally or nearly horizontally into space, and are fixed at one end and carry a load distributed along the length or at the other, such as a diving board. The upper half of the thickness of such a beam is subjected to tensile stress, tending to elongate the fibres, the lower half to compressive stress, tending to crush them.
Accepted term: 03-Jun-2024