rigid heddle looms

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  11. rigid heddle looms
Scope note
Devices with firm, rigid frames equipped with slot-hole configurations through which yarn is threaded to create a warp. Considered one of the simplest styles of looms to use, these devices are known for their combined heddle, beater, and reed elements within one riddle heddle reed component, which is used to both raise and lower warp threads and beat weft yarn into place. To facilitate hand weaving, the device's riddle heddle reed is placed alternately in the up and down positions to create the sheds through which the shuttles are passed. When the heddle is in the up position, the threads in the holes are raised; when it is in the down position, the threads in the slots are raised. As compared to other types of looms, these devices are notably smaller and more portable. Though they are designed to produce plain weaves, these looms can also be manipulated to create more complex patterns.
rigid heddle looms
Accepted term: 03-Feb-2025