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  4. Furnishings and Equipment (hierarchy name)
  5. Costume (hierarchy name)
  6. costume (mode of fashion)
  7. clothing
  8. main garments
  9. [main garments for the upper body]
  10. blouses (main garments)
  11. shirtwaists
Scope note
In general, refers to women's blouses having a center front button or stud placket opening, cuffs, and a collar, imitating the details of a man's shirt; may also have more feminine details, such as puffed sleeves, embroidery or lace, and other decoration. Specifically, refers to a particular type of ladies' bodice of a dress or a blouse having certain man-tailored details, in fashion from the early nineteenth century through the Edwardian period. Formerly the term referred to a similar garment worn by men and boys.
Accepted term: 09-Sep-2024