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  3. Objects Facet
  4. Visual and Verbal Communication (hierarchy name)
  5. Information Forms (hierarchy name)
  6. information forms (objects)
  7. document genres
  8. [documents by function]
  9. [identifying markings and symbols]
  10. marks (identifying markings)
  11. [marks by location or context]
  12. watermarks
Scope note
Faint designs or devices incorporated into paper as it is made and appearing as translucent or shaded areas visual only through transmitted light. They are often used to give the name of the manufacturer and the date of the paper's manufacture; symbols, seals, and initials are also common. Watermarks have also been used to detect and prevent counterfeiting and forgery. Watermarks were first introduced in Bologna, Italy in 1282.
Accepted term: 20-Jan-2025