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  5. [styles, periods, and cultures by region]
  6. Americas, The
  7. Pre-Columbian (American)
  8. [Pre-Columbian Middle American styles and periods]
  9. Mesoamerican
  10. [Mesoamerican regional styles and periods]
  11. Gulf Coast Mesoamerican styles
  12. Olmec
Scope note
Early prehistoric Mesoamerican culture known from archaeological excavations in the Gulf Coast of Mexico and from various artefacts and an art style distinguished by certain motifs. The Olmec coincided with the transition in Mesoamerican culture from simple agricultural villages to complex proto-state societies in several regions during the Early Pre-Classic (ca. 2000-ca. 1000 BCE) and Middle Pre-Classic (ca. 1000-ca. 300 BCE) periods.
Accepted term: 22-Apr-2024