Northern Qi

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  12. Northern Qi
Scope note
Refers to the culture, style, and period of a northern Chinese dynasty dating 550-577 CE. It was established when Gao Yang, son of the founder of the Eastern Wei dynasty, became ruler in 550 and changed the dynasty's name. The capital remained at Ye. Buddhism continued to have a large impact on the arts, with Indian, Central Asian, and West Asian influences. Northern Qi cave temples are home to some of the finest Chinese Buddhist sculpture. This sculpture illustrates the productivity of the period as well as the fast evolution of style that occurred since the Northern Wei. Some massive, sculptural ceramic forms date from the Northern Qi. Two or more colored glazes were applied to Northern Qi ceramics and white-bodied wares were developed. The wall paintings in the tomb of the aristocrat Lou Rui at Taiyuan are examples of the high-quality painting produced during this time. The rule of Gao Yang was followed by the rule of tyrants who conscripted almost two million men to build the Great Wall. As the ruling elite lost control, Emperor Wudi of the Northern Zhou conquered the Northern Qi in 577, effectively reuniting northern China.
Northern Qi
Accepted term: 22-Jul-2024