Tamba (Japanese)

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  11. Japanese ceramics styles
  12. Tamba
Scope note
Refers to the style of ceramic produced in the southwestern part of the ancient province of Tamba (present-day town of Konda, Hyogo Prefecture). Archeological data is limited but productions appear to have begun as early as the Kamakura period (1185-1333), continuing to the present. Early productions are characterized by thick, asymmetrical storage vessels produced by the coil method, with an accidental greenish glaze, resulting from falling wood ash. During the 17th century, improved technology increased speed of production and resulted in more variety and finer shapes. Wares from this period are characterized by reddish brown, black or amber glazes and simple designs. During the Edo period (1600-1868), productions included elegant tea ceremony wares.
Accepted term: 10-Feb-2025