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  3. Styles and Periods Facet
  4. Styles and Periods (hierarchy name)
  5. [styles, periods, and cultures by region]
  6. Asian
  7. Southeast Asian
  8. Cambodian (culture or style)
  9. Angkorean
  10. Angkorean styles
  11. Angkor Thom
  12. Bayon
Scope note
Refers to a style named for the Buddhist Temple of Bayon, a central temple built by Jayavarman VII (1181-1220 CE) in the capital Angkor Thom. The style is characterized by wide gallery spaces, central sanctuaries in a circular ground-plan surrounded by an array of chapels, and towers positioned atop sanctuaries adorned with carved, large-scale faces. The style is driven by fervent religious sentiment and spiritual obligations to provide a central rendezvous and respite for the gods to conduct celestial ceremonies.
Accepted term: 27-Jan-2025