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  5. [styles, periods, and cultures by region]
  6. Early Western World
  7. Mediterranean (Early Western World)
  8. Aegean
  9. Aegean styles
  10. Aegean pottery styles
  11. Greek pottery styles
  12. Mainland Greek pottery styles
  13. Attic (Mainland Greek pottery styles)
  14. Proto-Attic
Scope note
Refers to the Orientalizing phase of Greek art in Athens; it was approximately contemporary with the Proto-Corinthian phase. In these early phases of the Attic vase painting style, elements of the earlier Late Geometric styles are still evident. It began around 710 BCE and ended with the development of Attic black-figure painting around 610 BCE. It is characterized by a strong decorative scheme, spiral hooks and other motifs, and litheness of figures, with some roundness of form not found in Geometric styles.
Accepted term: 09-Sep-2024