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  6. Early Western World
  7. Mediterranean (Early Western World)
  8. Aegean
  9. Aegean styles
  10. Aegean pottery styles
  11. Greek vase painting styles
  12. White-ground
Scope note
Refers to a style of ancient Greek vase painting that employed a variation on the technique of the Red-figure style and became popular in the middle of the fifth century BCE. It is characterized by the use of a chalky white slip as a background, over which black glaze was used to outline figures, and diluted glazes of purple, brown, red, and white were used to color the figures. Additional colors that could not withstand firing were added afterwards. Scenes often depict figures situated on a common groundline at the bottom of a panel or in horizontal bands, which is unlike earlier compositions where figures were generally scattered throughout the picture plane.
Accepted term: 29-Apr-2024