Mannerist (Greek vase painting style)

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  12. Mannerist
Scope note
Refers to a style of black- and red-figure vase painting featuring highly idiosyncratic drawing styles; Mannerist vases were usually larger shapes such as amphorae, column kraters, pelikai, and hydriae. The name was adopted from terminology applied to 16th-century Italian painters. The black-figure painters working in this style include the Affecter and Elbows-Out, both of whom worked in the third quarter of the 6th century BCE. These artists were named by Beazley for their self-conscious, "mannered" styles characterized by odd proportions and unnatural gestures. Red-figure Mannerist vases of the early Classical period feature less extreme idiosyncrasies; the Pan Painter is considered the most gifted of the red-figure Mannerists.
Accepted term: 22-Jul-2024