coated paper

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Scope note
Paper coated on one or both sides with a mixture of a binder and pigment. The coating provides a smooth, enamel -like surface for writing and printing, producing a brighter appearance, either glossy or matte, and improved printability by preventing ink absorption. A type of coated paper was used as early as 450 CE in China. Uniform machine-made coated papers have been used for over 100 years to provide optimum surfaces for printing. Some of the white pigments used in the coatings are barium sulfate, calcium carbonate, calcium sulfate, calcium sulfite, clay, diatomaceous earth, lead white, satin white, talc, zinc sulfide, lithopone, zinc oxide, and titanium dioxide. Over the years, the binders have changed from the early use of starch to include the use of linseed oil, gums, glues, and waxes. Recently, synthetic resins such as polyvinyl acetate, acrylic, and styrene-butadiene. The coatings are often burnished or calendered to produce a glossy finish.
coated paper
Accepted term: 02-Sep-2024