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  4. Materials (hierarchy name)
  5. materials (substances)
  6. [materials by origin]
  7. biological material
  8. animal material
  9. [animal material by form or function]
  10. [animal material by excretions, secretions, and fluids]
  11. excrement
  12. urine
Scope note
Clear amber liquid (mammals, aquatic species) or grayish semisolid (birds, reptiles) excretion of metabolic waste from vertebrates. In mammals, urine is formed in the kidneys. It is a collection of water-soluble by-products of protein metabolism (urea, creatinine, uric acid, ammonia, etc.) mixed with salts and pigments. Urine has been used in cleaning, dyeing, and tanning.
Accepted term: 22-Apr-2024