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  5. Sound Devices (hierarchy name)
  6. sound devices (equipment)
  7. [sound devices by acoustical characteristics]
  8. chordophones
  9. lutelike chordophones
  10. lutelike chordophones: plucked
  11. [lutelike chordophones with short neck: plucked]
  12. 'ūds
Scope note
Short-necked, fretless lutelike chordophones of the Arab world, the direct ancestors of European lutes, strung in double courses and played with a plectrum. The large soundbox is built of ribs of lightweight wood with a strongly rounded back and flat belly, one large or two or three small sound holes, a bridge on the lower part of the belly, and a piece of fishskin, leather, or shell above the bridge to protect the belly from the strokes of the plectrum.
Accepted term: 27-Jan-2025