Western Wei (culture, style, and period)

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  12. Wei
  13. Western Wei
Scope note
Refers to the Chinese dynastic period, styles, and culture dating to 535 to 556 CE that was established by Yuwen Tai (reigned 535-551). The dynasty had its capital at Chang'an in Shaanxi province and ruled the land west of Luoyang; the area of modern Sichuan province was annexed in 553. While smaller than the Eastern Wei dynasty it was well organized and efficient. The Dunhuang caves in Gansu province feature Buddhist wall paintings and stuccos of the Western Wei period. Mortuary figures began to have more facial expression than earlier examples; the many ethnic types found in these figures reflects the cross-cultural influences of the period. Yuwen Tai's son inaugurated the Northern Zhou dynasty in 557.
Western Wei
Accepted term: 29-Apr-2024